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October 29, 2020


A new service called TelrShops ( was launched today
December 10, 2018

Small business? Here’s why you must care about anti-fraud protection

If only the mantra for every skilled and ambitious person was to “rather fail with honour
April 25, 2018

Adopting cashless payment channels will double business growth

We’re at an inflection point in the history of payments. Led by countries like Sweden
April 25, 2018

Payment security trends to expect in 2018

In November 2016, digital payments received an unprecedented boost from the Government
March 4, 2018

Blockchain technology is driving financial innovation

Blockchain is synonymous with Bitcoin in many peoples’ minds, though that misperception
February 18, 2018

Is blockchain helping the payments industry?

Blockchain is a synonym for bitcoin in many peoples’ minds, though that distracting
February 18, 2018

What’s the future of the digital payment industry?

The past one year has been a significant leap for the mainstreaming of digital payments
February 4, 2018

5 ways blockchain will change the world we live in

Ever the noisy one at the party, the headline-grabbing cryptocurrency rollercoaster
January 14, 2018

Financial inclusion can leapfrog with blockchain technology

Back in 2009, as the 2008 global financial meltdown unfolded