How to enable your smartphone Android and IOS to read NFC tags

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Both ANDROID and APPLE now offer their customers the ability to use their smartphones to read NFC tags

Here’s how to activate NFC on your own android or ios smartphone:


  • Make sure you’re running the latest version of Android. The majority of new Android smartphones have an NFC chip in the phone.
  • Your phone’s NFC chip (and Android Beam) needs to be activated before you can use NFC:

    -Go to Settings > More
    -Tap on the NFC switch to activate it. The Android Beam function will also automatically turn on.
    -If Android Beam does not automatically turn on, just tap it and select Yes to turn it on.
  • Smartphones’ NFC capabilities operate in tandem with Android Beam. If Android Beam is disabled, it may limit NFC’s sharing capacity.


  • Recent released iPhones models can read NFC tags and make NFC payments. However, no NFC support was added to iPhones 6 and 6S, yet it can be used to make NFC payments only.
  • NFC is automatically enabled in Apple phones.